The goal of the study described in this paper is to construct and standardised a self-questionnaire on sports confidence.The study will examine how well the self-confidence scale works and can be applied to people from various cultural backgrounds, improving its generalizability. Trainers, coaches, and sports psychologists may benefit from the study's potential to offer a valuable approach for assessing and enhancing athletes' self-confidence.Sports self-confidence and athletic performance are positively correlated. By using statistical analyses, the standardised questionnaire for assessing athletic self-confidence will demonstrate good reliability and validity.Punjab will be the location of the study. The age range for the study was 18 to 25 years old. Only athletes were included in the study. A 150-person sample of athletic women will be used in the experiment. The investigation will be restricted to the psychological variable of self-confidence going forward. Real data sets are analysed and simulation studies are carried out for each proposed self-confidence in sports. The R programming language has been used for numerical calculations and simulation.
Keyword : Self-Report Measures, External Factors, Time Constraints, Cross-Cultural Perspective, Scale Development, Validation, Participant Sample, and Generalizability.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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