

    Rajit Kumar, Dr. Yuwraj shrivastava, Dr. Devendra Prakash


The purpose of this study was to determine the attitude towards softball game in national level players and subjects selected for this study were Softball players. The total sample was 37 and the data was collected by the self-made questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of 32 questions related to the attitude towards softball game. The result of the present study was discussed in the light of the hypothesis framed in the beginning and data showed that there were male & female national players where 16 male & 21 female total number of 37 softball national players, whose Mean score of Male is 4.1035 & Female is 4.1057, Standard Deviation of Male is 0.58036 and Female is 0.36059 , Standard error of mean of Male 0.14509 & Female is 0.07869. Minimum value of Male 2.25 & & Female is 3.34 and Maximum value of Male 4.72 & & Female is 4.81.The result showed that there was low attitude in male players compare to Female players.

Keyword : Softball, Attitude scale, National Level, standardization

Published in Issue
May 15, 2023
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