

    Mhd Halkis, Priyanto


Competition between developed and developing countries in developing the defense industry in the era of globalization has crossed the boundaries of a country's alliances. However, in the transfer of technology (ToT) process, it remains the object of domination by large countries, and developing countries remain confined in a rigid bureaucracy. Researchers offer a problem-solving approach to developing the defense industry experienced by developing countries. The researcher's first step describes the bureaucracy of developing countries, and then the researcher projects the development of a strategy as a solution. The researcher realizes that the trial and error approach offered by Karl R. Popper demands further testing, so the researcher also explains the weaknesses of the solutions offered. The researcher concludes that the Problem-Solving approach can solve problems and anticipate problems. Problem-Solving is no longer seen as containing a simple method but an epistemology; Solutions appear before the problem itself appears. The researcher corrected the problem-solving position, as explained by Ian Angus, who moved from one line to a new line continuously. Researchers see not moving lines and continuing but reality entering a broader flow.

Keyword : Epistemology, Karl R. Popper, Problem-Solving, Defense Industry, and Developing Countries

Published in Issue
May 15, 2023
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