

    Nora Bhatia and Dr Monica Khanna


The external environment that organizations operate is characterised by volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA). The post pandemic scenario has seen a shift from VUCA to a BANI world (Brittle, Anxious, Nonlinear and Incomprehensible). Organizations face various challenging scenarios most of which are unpredictable. To retain a competitive edge organizations need to be nimble and swift in performance outcomes. Organizations that are learning oriented and agile have an edge over competition. This paper is a study on Organizational Learning Orientation (OLO) and the impact that is has on Organizational Agility (OA) with reference to the Indian Context. To test the research hypothesis a questionnaire adopted from previous literature was used and a total of 114 responses were analysed using correlation and regression analysis. The results from this exploratory study indicated that organizations which are learning oriented with an emphasis on “learning commitment”, “shared vision” and “open-mindedness” are positively associated with organizational agility.

Keyword : Organizational learning orientation, learning commitment, shared vision, open-mindedness, organizational agility

Published in Issue
May 15, 2023
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