

    Nur Asni Gani, Armanu Thoyib, Dodi Wirawan Irawanto,Wahdiyat Moko


The National Health Insurance Program provides changes and adds to the complexity of hospitals that are known for being capital-intensive and labor-intensive. This study aims to examine phenomenological studies related to the practice of strategic leadership in applying the National Health Insurance regulations in type C private hospitals in Tangerang City, and to reveal the role of strategic leadership in survival in the era of National Health Insurance. This research is a qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. Observations show that many strategic leaderships have leadership models, namely visionary leadership, adaptive organization and resource development. The head of a type C private hospital in Tangerang City. Leaders in type C private hospitals consist of directors, managers and heads of institutions equivalent to managers. These top leaders are jointly concerned with the sustainability of hospitals in this era of National Health Insurance.

Keyword : Leadership, Health Insurance, Phenomenology

Published in Issue
January 11, 2023
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