The Middle East is an area comprising countries that share a common history, are at diverse degrees of economic development, and have dramatically varied endowments of natural resources. It is also an economic geography that has been least regionally and globally integrated since its inception in 1981. To attain greater economic independence from the oil-based economy, the GCC member nations have established themselves as a major hub in the global circulation of commodities. Railways may be seen as one of the major source for economic diversification. The much-anticipated GCC-wide railway is still progressing, with each Gulf nation constructing its own networks. The overall attitude toward the development of the trade and logistics infrastructure in the Gulf is further highlighted by the strategic plans of the UAE and Oman through a landmark deal for a rail network. The alliance is intended to herald a new chapter of collaboration and prosperity in sustaining and broadening the national economy. The goal of the current study is to map and analyze a ground-breaking rail system that will link Oman and the UAE and support a thriving economy. This article investigates project collaboration, the critical role of rail and commodity transportation in supporting and diversifying the national economy. It concludes that the development of territory transportation can significantly influence the GCC's rapid economic growth rate.
Keyword : GCC, Oman Rail, Etihad Rail, Transportation, Logistics, Regional Integration and Economic Growth.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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