

    Karunakar T, F T Josh, J. Jency Joseph, P. S. Mayurappriyan, Dr. M. S. P. Subathra


High voltage DC transmission allows higher power and stabilized higher DC voltages to longer distances with lower transmission losses and higher system stabilities, the power generation through wind energy or solar energy. The HVDC system allows the system to transmit the power which is generated by solar to longer distances. The solar energy to be converted into DC power and can be induced and integrated with the existing grid on a large scale. This paper aims at integrating the AC grid and VSC HVDC transmission system, the power regenerated mainly through solar energy, and the penetration of renewable energy is examined with regard to bipolar links for HVDC. The complete transmission and generation part is simulated using MATLAB/SIMULINK. Simulated results clarify that the HVDC system is more adoptable in case of short circuit levels and power losses in the long transmission systems. Further simulation studies are observed by keeping the existing station equipment parameters of the VSC HVDC converter stations between the Pugalur located in Tamil Nadu, India (High solar energy region) and Thrissur located in Kerala, India (Low solar energy region). The observation of studies enumerates the necessity of HVDC technology implies to solar energy penetration into the utility grid.

Keyword : Solar energy, HVDC, power losses, P&O algorithm, Dynamic simulation.

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December 29, 2023
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