

    Mr.Y.Antony Das, Dr.N.Madhavan


A high-performance work system could be increased customer satisfaction, reduced employee turnover, and excellent product quality. High productivity and efficiency are typically the results of a high-performance work system, and these results help to increase profit. These individuals' professional development and training programmes guarantee that they can carry out their present and future duties for the company. HRM also helps the compensation system contribute to great performance by motivating employees to pursue goals that advance the overarching mission of the company. This study aims to identify the High-Performance Work System and HR practices that are expressed and publically endorsed through organisational performance, taking into account the resources-based view. The study's research issue concerns whether the chosen organisations use HPWS components to their overall organisational success. The analysis programme is used to support the summative content analysis, the results of which are covered in the following.

Keyword : High Performance Work System, Organizational Performance and Automobile Industry.

Published in Issue
December 29, 2023
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