

    Parth Raval1 and Dr. Dharmesh Raval2


This study examines the performance of Five Thematic Infrastructure funds from March 2014 to December 2018. We have used quarterly data from all these years for better comparison and analysis. Four factors, including Portfolio Turnover ratio, Past Performance, Age of the fund and Tenure of the fund managers, were used to compare the returns of the different schemes. All these Independent variables are playing very active role in affecting the dependent variable that is mutual fund returns. We discovered some interesting results after applying Pearson's correlation coefficient approach to the data we collected. The analysis showed that of the four variables, Portfolio Turnover and Past Performance were positively correlated with returns, but the other two, Fund’s Age and Fund Manager tenure, were negatively correlated. We believe this study will be very useful in understanding the impact of each of these variables on fund performance.

Keyword : Mutual funds, performance evaluation, portfolio turnover, past performance, ageing of the fund

Published in Issue
December 05, 2023
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