There is immense pressure on Indian small-medium enterprises (SMEs) to fight against global climate change while also being the logistics service providers. A low-carbon logistics (LCL) system combines operations with a low carbon footprint and supply chain processes to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide emitted in the logistics value chain. Therefore, the logistics industry must release lower emissions of carbon dioxide, and the implementation of LCL requires adequate analysis of further opportunities as well as barriers in consideration of the aspects of associated risk and sustainability for Indian SMEs. In this context, this study attempts to understand the barriers that pose issues in the effective implementation of the LCL network in Indian small and medium-scale enterprises with a considerate perspective of risk and sustainability factors. A quantitative study was performed based on the research objectives and hypotheses formulated. A questionnaire was designed and used as a research tool for data collection from the identified respondents. Based on the empirical results obtained by data collection, it is evident that lack of organisational encouragement, lack of information technology application, lack of collaboration among supply chain(SC) partners, lack of government support, lack of a sustainable transport system, and high costs has been identified as the barriers to implementing the LCL system. The study thus highlights that a substantial amount of research is required to focus on functional & operational aspects of the LCL system as a scope for future research.
Keyword : Low Carbon Logistics Network, Barriers, Transport sector, Indian SMEs, sustainability, organization encouragement, supply chain
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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