Purpose: The research examines Vicarious Traumatisation (VT) and the consequent emotional trauma experienced during Covid 19. Previous research has shown that VT has been research in relation to medical personnel. But COVID-19-related trauma has crossed the travails of trauma faced by Nurses, Therapists, and Mental health professionals and has permeated into the lives of "Homemakers”, “Pharmacists”, and “Pregnant Women”. Therefore, a need was felt to examine the emerging dimension in VT to guide future research. Design/Method: This paper uses bibliometric analysis to analyse research on vicarious traumatisation before and after COVID-19. Bibliometric analysis aimed to identify top countries, journals, authors, and areas needing further exploration. The analysis is based on the Scopus and PubMed databases. The study has used the software of Bibliometric and VOSviewer. Findings: The study has identified that VT has impacted not just the frontline warriors but has also impacted the mental well-being of the public at large. The study has identified a lack of theory focus in existing research and emphasises the importance of resilience-based approaches to study VT. The study aims to guide future research and interventions to support at-risk professionals and provides insights to inform future strategies for managing vicarious traumatisation in professional settings.
Keyword : Vicarious Traumatization, Resilience, COVID-19, Stress, Mental Health, Anxiety Levels, Empathy theory, attachment theory, social support theory, Bibliometric and VOSviewer®.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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