

    Jerin Joseph1, Rajeshwar S Kadadevaramath2,Akarsha Kadadevaramath3, Mohan Sangli4


The Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) describes the integration of environmental factors into Supply Chain Management (SCM), with also formulation of appropriate architectural features, material sourcing and selection, production methods, shipping of the completed product to the customers, and end-of-life management of the product after its useful life. In light of emerging natural regulations and charged governmental problems of the companies about sustainable practices, companies need to strengthen their capacity for GSCM activities. Considering the aforementioned, Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) approaches are a great way to examine the rankings of the providers in Supply Chain Management (SCM). This study introduces two effective fuzzy-based approaches, such as fuzzy TOPSIS and fuzzy VIKOR, for supplier selection in networks of green supply chains.

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November 15, 2023
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