

    Mohana Sundari.V 1, M. Kalaivani 2


Entrepreneurship education has arisen as an increasingly important topic in the field of business studies, with many universities and educational institutions offering courses and programs to students. These programmes' goal is to arm students with the know-how and abilities needed to launch their own companies and become prosperous entrepreneurs. Several studies have found that entrepreneurship education can also lead to a positive attitude towards entrepreneurship and an increased intention to start a business among students. However, entrepreneurship education’s influence on students' career goals remain a debatable subject. This research paper focuses on the influence of entrepreneurship education on the career aspirations of business students in Chennai. The study seeks to explore how such programs shape students' entrepreneurial perception as a viable option for career and the key aspects that impact their decision to follow entrepreneurship. The research hires a mixed-methods approach, including a survey and in-depth interviews, to collect and analyze data from business students in Chennai. The findings of the study showed the optimistic influence of entrepreneurship education on career aspirations of students pursuing engineering. The conclusions of this study have important inferences for educators and policymakers interested in developing effective entrepreneurship education programs that foster students' business skills and intentions. This study adds to the body of knowledge regarding how entrepreneurship education affects students' goals for their careers. and provides insights into the factors that influence their decision to pursue entrepreneurship, specifically in the context of Chennai.

Keyword : Entrepreneurship education, Career aspirations, Perceptions, Entrepreneurial skills

Published in Issue
November 15, 2023
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