Online education transcends temporal and spatial constraints, delivering unfettered and equitable educational resources to humanity. Traditional online educators prioritize the efficiency of knowledge dissemination, while students place emphasis on the frequency of knowledge absorption, with learning motivation acting as the conduit that bridges the two realms. Currently, there exists a dearth of global research on online education's impact on learning motivation. This study delves into this subject by examining 45 sophomores specializing in product design. Employing a questionnaire, comparative analysis, and in-depth case interviews, it concludes that learning motivation and self-efficacy possess the capacity to ignite latent learning potential. This research offers a novel perspective and methodology for steering the course of online education and fostering its seamless transition toward excellence.
Keyword : Online education, learning motivation, learning potential, self-efficacy, product design
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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