

    Acu Kusnandar


This study aims to examine the effect of reputation and promotion on the loyalty behavior of Islamic bank customers in a study at Islamic banks in DKI Jakarta. The research was conducted using quantitative methods. Observations use a cross-section/one-shot time scope, namely in 2022. The unit analysis of the research is Islamic banks in DKI Jakarta, while the unit of observation is the customers of Sharia Banks in DKI Jakarta. Data were taken from a sample of 100 respondents and analyzed using PLS. The results of the study illustrate that reputation and promotion contribute to shaping the loyalty behavior of Islamic bank customers in DKI Jakarta. Reputation has a bigger role in shaping loyalty behavior than promotion. The findings in this study provide managerial implications for the management of Islamic banks in DKI Jakarta that efforts to create and improve customer loyalty behavior can be carried out through efforts to improve reputation, especially a good reputation in the perception of customers' colleagues and friends, reputation compared to competing banks, and reputation in the market general. Priority needs to be given to reputation development. The promotion also needs to be carried out through various elements, especially in the publicity element, followed by personal selling, viral marketing, advertising, sales promotion, and direct marketing to support the role of reputation in increasing the loyalty behavior of Islamic banks.

Keyword : reputation, promotion, loyalty behaviour.

Published in Issue
October 15, 2023
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