It has rightly said that for any product which has been innovated should be marketable. The Marketable process will bring novelty in product and services. Many products have been founded in laboratory. Marketable process is quite bigger act which consider, Producing, transacting, promoting, and sales, customer support and other key roles. The products which is good and innovated but somehow, they just remain in the thesis and remain unfold due to lacking of skills which will not able to convert that laboratory product into Marketable or may be thinking that he/she will miserably fail. In this research paper researcher has tried to know that what could be the reason that the products which are good for society but not reaching to the public or into the market? Researcher will use applied statistics as per the findings. Researcher will use the exploratory method for research.
Keyword : Marketable product, Conversion of laboratory Research into Commercialization, Commercialization, Novelty.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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