

    Shanmei Xiong1,2, Kei Wei Chia3 , Hui Wang1, Rahmat.hashim2,*


Based on the text data of mafengwo travel notes, the content analysis method, social network analysis(SNA), and importance-Performance analysis (IPA) are adopted to explore the development of night tourism in Nanchang from the perspective of the tourist experience. The results show that the experience elements of night tourism in Nanchang include 22 elements such as cultural landscape, food and catering experience, tourism consumption experience, and tourism transportation experience. The element structure of the night tourism experience in Nanchang is characterized by multi-core and high density, among which cultural landscape, cultural landmarks, and food and catering experience are the most core experience elements, and tourists have the lowest perception of local characteristic products and natural landscape features. The tourists represented by the sub-group composed of food and catering experience and cultural landmarks are the main source of night tourism in Nanchang. IPA found that the overall tourism experience quality of tourists is high, the cultural landscape and cultural landmarks have the highest satisfaction, and the satisfaction of weather and climate perception and experience and queuing experience is low. Based on the research conclusion, this paper puts forward corresponding countermeasures and suggestions for the sustainable development of night tourism in Nanchang.

Keyword : network travel notes, Nanchang city night travel experience, social network analysis, IPA analysis

Published in Issue
October 05, 2023
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