To tackle the steady three-dimensional equations related to mass, momentum, energy, and species-continuity, the approach of non-orthogonal boundary-fitted coordinate transformation method is employed. Simulating the process of styrene polymerization can benefit from the utilization of this approach, as it enables the calculation of velocity, temperature, and concentration in duct reactors of different geometries. In the model. In this study we take into account how the physical properties of a variable can change, except for specific heat and also include the dissipation of heat due to viscosity and the effects of free convection. However, we do not consider the diffusion that occurs along the axis. The equations for conserving something was first written in a specific type of coordinate system. These equations are changed to have a curved shape in one direction, and then transformed into a different type of coordinate system that can handle different shapes of ducts. The changed equations are divided into small parts called control volumes. These parts are then approximated using specific mathematical methods to calculate the effects of fluid flow and substance transfer. The experiment was done with eight different shapes and we got the outcomes. The results indicate that there isn't one particular shape of the reactor that is consistently better than conventional circular duct reactors in terms of achieving the highest conversion of the chemical reaction. This is true even when taking into account the least amount of pressure loss in the reactors.
Keyword : Boundary-Fitted coordinate, a method of fluid flow ,styrene polymerization, the chemical process ,converting styrene monomers , arbitrary cross-sectional duct reactors, and etc.
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