

    Nguyen Ngoc Hien1, Phung Quang Duong2*, Bui Van Hung3


Management staff is the force that determines the education quality of schools. Developing management staff including professional group leaders in primary schools plays an important role in every education system. The study surveys the current situation of professional group leaders' capacity and developing professional group leaders at primary schools of 08 districts/towns/cities of Nghe An province with 1,533 participants who are leaders of the Department of Education and Training and primary schools; professional group leaders, and teachers. Based on theoretical research and a survey of the current situation, the article proposes 05 solutions to develop professional group leaders at primary schools according to the competency-based approach.

Keyword : Professional leaders, professional group leaders, competency-based approach, developing professional group leaders using the competency-based approach, primary schools

Published in Issue
September 05, 2023
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