

    Dr Kottala Sri Yogi, Dr. Sudhakar K, Dr.A.Jasmine, Mrs. Niveditha S, Ms. Noor Sumaiya, Dr Melanie Lourens


Artificial intelligence Powered solutions are being used to boost output, cut waste, and streamline operations in a way that is environmentally friendly in the manufacturing industry. AI-powered tools are being used to boost productivity, cut down on waste, and optimize processes in ways that are good for the environment. In this paper, we discuss the function of AI in sustainable supply chain management (SCM) for the manufacturing industry. We define SCM and sustainability and discuss problems associated with employing AI for sustainable SCM. It starts out by defining SCM and sustainability before going over the opportunities and problems associated with employing AI for sustainable SCM. The research paper then presents a case study of how an industrial organization is utilizing AI to enhance its performance in terms of sustainability. The future of AI for sustainable SCM and its consequences for the industrial sector are covered in the paper's conclusion. The research paper then presents a case study of how an industrial organization is utilizing AI to enhance its performance in terms of sustainability. The future of AI for sustainable SCM and its consequences for the industrial sector are covered at the end of the paper.

Keyword : Artificial Intelligence, Supply chain management (SCM), Sustainable decision making, manufacturing industry.

Published in Issue
September 05, 2023
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