

    Anis Nusron1, Margono Setiawan, Noermijati Noermijati , Rofiaty Rofiaty4


This study aims to examine the effect of entrepreneurial characteristics, intellectual agility and social media engagement on performance, then to examine the effect of entrepreneurial characteristics and intellectual agility on social media engagement and examine the effect of entrepreneurial characteristics and intellectual agility on performance by mediating social media engagement. The novelty of this study is to make social media engagement mediate the influence of entrepreneurial characteristics and intellectual agility on business performance. The sampling technique used purposive sampling with specific criteria, from distributing questionnaires to embroidery entrepreneurs in Pasuruan Regency, East Java Province, Indonesia. One hundred eighty respondents fit the research criteria and used WarpPLS as a data analysis tool. The study results show that entrepreneurial characteristics and social media engagement significantly affect performance, but intellectual agility does not. Furthermore, entrepreneurial characteristics do not affect social media engagement, while intellectual agility significantly affects social media engagement. For indirect effects, it can be concluded that social media engagement does not mediate the influence of entrepreneurial characteristics on performance. In contrast, social media engagement can mediate the effect of intellectual agility on performance.

Keyword : entrepreneurial characteristics, intellectual agility, social media engagement and performance.

Published in Issue
July 25, 2023
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