Future sustainability depends on the use of organic goods. Lack of knowledge about consumer intentions towards organic goods makes it difficult to translate the accessibility of organic goods into actual customer and commercial adoption. Employing bibliometric analysis, this study examines the body of literature that exists on customers and organic goods. To internationalise our subject mapping, we utilised VosViewer. Thus, the objective of this study is to summarise and trace the development of organic food-related research during a 25-year period. A bibliographic evaluation of publications issued during 1998 and 2023 is done in this research. 415 publications were found after the data was obtained via Web of Science (WoS) & Scopus. The writers carried out a thorough bibliometric study that included evaluation of performance and scientific mapping using the VOSviewer tool and the Biblioshiny tool. The research advances both theorists' and professionals' knowledge about present patterns and upcoming changes by diving further into the "whose," the "location," "why," "the thing," and "at what point" of the use of organic foods. The choice of documentation, still, is limited to peer-reviewed articles found in WoS & Scopus.
Keyword : Organic Food Consumption, Biblioshiny, VOSviewer
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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