The association between the human resources management and crises has been studied for a long-period of time. However, understanding the effects of financial and economic crises on human resource management in Israel is important as there is very limited literature explore the effect of crises on public sector organisations particularly in case of Israel. Therefore, this study was designed and aimed at to determine impact of economic and financial crises on the human resources management in private and public organisations in case of Israel. The data was collected through primary data collection method, where survey and interviews were conducted from 400 employees and 50 employees from public and private organisations in Israel respectively. For quantitative analysis, descriptive statistics, Spearman’s correlation, Mann-Whitney U Test, Kruskal-Wallis H test, KMO Bartlett’s test and factor loadings followed by variance inflation factors are used as statistical techniques. Meanwhile, for the qualitative analysis thematic analysis technique has been adopted for the study. The findings of the study suggests that there is negative and significant impact of economic crises on human resources management (HRM) but economic crises is found to have a positive and significant impact on the human resources management. The findings also revealed that government support plays a crucial role during economic crises and financial crises for the private and public organisations.
Keyword : Economic and Financial Crises, Human Resources Management, Public Organisations, Israel
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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