

    Abir Dahli-Adawi, Prof. Dr. Joshua Sopuru


Learning about leadership provides the researcher with more resources to draw on when the reader faces new problems. Through this research, the readers will be better able to choose, adapt, and alter the strategy depending on the circumstances. If the researcher wants to determine which leadership style suits order to overcome the situation of uncertainty, then the present research has been conducted to accomplish this goal. Hence, study is aimed at to investigate the role of the company manager as a leader and its impact on company performance during a crisis: the case of corona crisis in the Arab society in Israel. For this purpose, 400 participants for the survey and 50 participants for the interview were recruited from the employees working in the different organisations in Israel. For analysis, SPSS, SmartPLS and thematic analysis were used to generate empirical findings and address the research objectives of the study. The findings of the study suggests that COVID-19 has negatively and significantly affected the employees relations, firm excellence but has positively contributed to the firm performance that is a very rare finding requiring more investigation. Meanwhile, the leadership style has been found to have a positive and significant impact on the employees’ relations, firm excellence and firm performance. In addition to, the qualitative findings have also indicated that the manager’s role is critical followed by the role of leadership that affects employee relations, firm excellence and firm performance. The study also provides practical recommendations and future research implications.

Keyword : Company Manager, Company Performance, Leader, Leadership, Crisis, Corona Crisis, the Arab Sector in Israel

Published in Issue
September 05, 2023
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